Friday, May 14, 2010

Is the movie Silent Hill the Gnostic Christian version of The Passion of the Christ?


I have never played the video game upon which the movie was based, but in watching the movie it did seem to me that the director was trying to make a religious point.

Rose and Sharon enter the world of Silent Hill because Rose is ignorant of Sharon's past and Sharon can't remember it. This mirrors the stories of The Fall in Gnosticism which is caused by ignorance and/or forgetting.

At one point in the movie, Rose says that she came from a world full of life and light. Rose has entered the world of darkness and death to saver her daughter.

The 'sacrifice' of Rose at The Cleansing leads directly to the 'crucifixion' of Christobelle. This echoes Docetist theology where the True Jesus is not sacrificed, but some false Jesus in sacrificed in his place.

At the end of the movie, Christopher, representing the ordinary Christian, is at home in the mundane world, but Rose and Sharon are at home but on a spiritual level.

Is the movie Silent Hill the Gnostic Christian version of The Passion of the Christ?
haven't seen the movie myself, but it very well could be.

we as humans tend to tell the same stories over and over again. very similar "savior" stories are found in many of the worlds religious traditions, not only christianity.

i believe that we are expressing the archtypal truths of humanity through these stories. and that they will continuously manifest through out life. read "the power of myth" by joseph campbell. he documents this phenomenon very well.

and i don't mean to to say that Jesus Christ wasn't a real man who did magnificent things. but just that there have been other incarnations of beings sent here to lead humanity towards it's true nature of Love and Unity.

i do believe that most people miss the point or the lesson that the Holy Masters have come to teach. they get stuck in the dogma and miss the true essence of the Spirit. but we are evolving and this is part of that process. we will all get there eventually.

Reply:i dont think it was
Reply:Sounds plausible to me.
Reply:as you have NEVER played the games theres more than 1, you really have no room to comment do you??????!!!! it is a game about zombies and nothing more why try to read more in to it????? man thats just silly next you will be asking if the movie the witches by roald dahl has a religious meaning, just watch something for wat it is and enjoy it
Reply:No not that i have heard of it isnt thanks

No...I have played Silent Hill in the past and I have seen the movie.

Movie based on game.Don't read anything else into.It's a MOVIE......don't over analyze.
Reply:It is a possibility.

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