Monday, May 17, 2010

What do you think of these names?

I am not pregnant, but these are the names I have been planning on for kids in the future for some time. Some of my family likes them... Others come right out and tell me they are hideous. What do you think? Honest answers please :-)


Cheryn Behla (pronounced Sharon Bella -- mom's name is Cheryl, grandma is Beulah)

Jasmine Rose (maiden names of both grandmothers are Jasman and Rosen)


Dayne (or Dane/Danyl) Patrick (Dad is Daniel, grandpa is Patrick)

Jayton Michael (brothers are Jason and Justin, I've just always loved the name Michael)...

Any other suggestions using these names??? I want to tie in lineage somehow...













What do you think of these names?
I like Behla Cheryn better--love the spellings

Jasmine Rose is gorgeous

I'd go with Dane Patrick--spelling looks more masculine..and it flows!

I love Jayton Michael--very nice 'made up' name.

Stick with these names. They're all nice and they don't sound just babyish. =) Don't listen to what others tell you. It's your hubby and your own final decision. I know it's nice to have opinions, but seriously-if you like a name, use it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Reply:jasmine rose is gorgeous. personally i've always liked the name beulah because of the song, beulah land, i hope you name her that.

what about daryl after your dad daniel? it still kind of works. i like jodiann rose too.
Reply:Cheryn Behla--the second name would look better spelt Bella

Jasmine Rose--love it!

Dayne Patrick--sounds great

Jayton Michael--Kind of cute, and could be shortened to Jay.
Reply:that's alot to think about without even being pregnant.

I like dayne Micheal....and Jamine Rose
Reply:Jodi Moore is pretty

Belah Ann is nice

and i like the one you alreadu suggested, Jasmine Rose, of course

Jayton Michael is good and so is Jayton Daniel
Reply:Cheryn Behla-I like Charlotte Bella better - can still honour Cheryl with Charlotte. I would rather see Bella spelled like this, than with the "h". It can still honour your grandma spelled this way.

Jasmine Rose - LOVE IT!

Charlotte Rose would also be lovely


Dayne Patrick - love it!

Jayton Michael - Jayton no, Michael ok.
Reply:I really like HOW you put the names together...thats really cool!
Reply:i think it's a great idea trying to tie lineage names, i like the ones you've chosen
Reply:I actually think they are great names. I really like the name Jasmine Rose for a girl and the fact that it is so close to your grandparents maiden names. I also like the name Jayton Michael. Michael is a strong middle name and Jayton is something I have never heard of. What is all comes down to though is that you like what you name your children. Not everyone is going to be happy with the name that you choose so you need to be the one that feels that it is the right name for that child.

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