Friday, November 18, 2011

How Can I Terminate a Rose of Sharon Bush?

We have several Rose of Sharon bushes that have taken over other shubs in our yard. The "seedings" are everywhere! What is the best way to eliminate these beautfiul, but uncontrollable flowers from our yard? We have tried digging them up but they keep coming back the following Spring. (sigh) Thanks for your help.

How Can I Terminate a Rose of Sharon Bush?
The Rose of Sharon (aka Hardy Hibiscus) is a prolific seed dropper. The only way to eliminate the seedlings is remove the seeds from the mother. I suggest careful deadhedding - so to speak - of all seed heads prior to them drying and dropping. You'll have to keep on it, since the flowers mature at a varying rate (ergo the seeds mature at a varying rate). Or you could try an axe to the mother, but that would be such a shame ....
Reply:Ortho's vegetation killer (paraquat or diquat).
Reply:Two are three treatments of Roundup. Use a paint brush so you do not spray anything else. Wait for it to start turning burn before you till.
Reply:Dig up some seedlings and send them to me! =)

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